Bringing state-of-the-art building science to existing buildings, Ueno and Baker will spend the day confirming the need and means for deep energy retrofits to commercial and residential buildings. They will explore why energy and deep energy retrofits are a viable option to new construction. You have a row house, you have a walk up, you have a mess and you want to fix it. How do you keep the rain out of it? How do you make it energy efficient, not violate the building code and not irritate your contractor and the owner? Or you have a commercial building that’s an energy sieve and needs to be improved. How do you deal with brick and masonry basement foundations from the inside? Should I worry about freeze-thaw damage when I insulate on the interior? How do I insulate on the exterior of a mass wall assembly? Answers to these questions and more.Presenters: Kohta Ueno and Peter Baker, Building Science CorporationAIA New Hampshire and the Environmental Guild

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