The North American Hot-Dry & Mixed-Dry Climate edition of the Builder's Guide now provides the building industry with the latest and best practical information on how to apply building science principles to structures as systems with revised sections on: Foundations, Walls, Roofs and an expanded discussion of Vapor Barriers, Additional Appendixes PLUS a newly added Glossary of Terms.
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Builder's Guide to Cold Climates
After two decades Joseph Lstiburek has re-written and updated the classic “Builder’s Guide to Cold Climates. It belongs in every builder’s, architects, contractors and code officials library. It covers the principles and practices of residential construction. It includes all of the revolutionary changes to construction since the the first energy crisis…advanced framing, unvented-conditioned attics and crawlspaces, ICF construction, SIP construction, spray polyurethane foam, continuous exterior insulation, externally/internally insulated basements and slabs, frost protected foundations, double wall construction, controlled ventilation systems - ERV’s vs HRV’s, case studies, net zero assemblies and more in a guide with over 450 full color figures and tables in 23 chapters and 460 pages from a world renowned expert.
Builder's Guide to Hot-Humid Climates
The Builder's Guide will provide the building industry with the latest and best practical information on how to apply building science principles to structures as systems in hot-humid climate regions.
Builder's Guide to Mixed-Humid Climates
The Builder's Guide will provide the building industry with the latest and best practical information on how to apply building science principles to structures as systems in mixed-humid climate regions.