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Document List
BA-0006: Discussion of the Use of Transfer Grilles to Facilitate Return Air Flow in Central Return Systems
BA-0007: Advanced Space Conditioning
BA-0010: Systems Engineering Approach to Development of Advanced Residential Buildings
BA-0201: Advanced Framing—Using Wood Efficiently From Optimizing Design to Minimizing the Dumpster
BA-0202: Basement Insulation Systems
BA-0212: PV Primer
BA-0213: Combo Space/Water Heating Systems—"Duo Diligence"
BA-0214: Conditioning Air in the Humid South—Creating Comfort and Controlling Cost
BA-0219: Residential Dehumidification Systems Research for Hot-Humid Climates
BA-0305: Why It's So Important (and Troubling) to Keep Ducts and Equipment in Conditioned Space
BA-0309: Renovating Your Basement
BA-0401: Conditioned Crawlspace Construction, Performance and Codes
BA-0402: Singing the "blues" in the key of "low-e"
BA-0405: Community-Scale Evaluation Results
BA-0413a: The Snapshot—A Quick Description
BA-0413b: SNAPSHOT Form
BA-0414: Results of Advanced Systems Research—Supplemental Humidity Control Systems
BA-0505: Residential Dehumidification Systems Research for Hot-Humid Climates
BA-0506: Advanced Central Cooling System with Dehumidification Mode
BA-0601: Analysis of Indoor Environmental Data
BA-0602: Field Test of Room-to-Room Uniformity of Ventilation Air Distribution in Two New Houses
BA-0703: Introducing the market to high-performance building on Hilton Head Island
BA-0704: Building a Durable and Energy Efficient Home in Post-Katrina New Orleans
BA-0801: Towards Sustainability—Green Building, Sustainability Objectives, and Building America Whole House Systems Research
BA-0804: Plans For Energy Efficient Homes in Greensburg, KS
BA-0805: Training Curriculum and Follow-Up Results—Greensburg, KS
BA-0806: Tankless and Solar Hot Water Heating Integration Research
BA-0811: Community Scale Evaluation—Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell Westford House
BA-0903: Building America Special Research Project—High-R Walls Case Study Analysis
BA-0911: 2009 Advanced System Research
BA-0911: 2009 Community Scale Evaluations
BA-0911: 2009 Prototype House Evaluations
BA-0911: Identification of Codes and Standards Issues
BA-0997: Case Studies in Resource-Efficient Residential Buildings: The Building America Program
BA-1001: Moisture-Safe Unvented Wood Roof Systems
BA-1003: Building America Special Research Project—High-R Foundations Case Study Analysis
BA-1004: Building America Special Research Project—Deployment of Advanced Framing at the Community Scale
BA-1005: Building America Special Research Project: High R-Value Enclosures for High Performance Residential Buildings in All Climate Zones
BA-1006: Building America Special Research Project—High-R Roofs Case Study Analysis
BA-1008: Building America Special Research Project: Enhanced Dehumidification
BA-1009: Building America Special Research Project—Space Conditioning Systems for High Performance Homes
BA-1015: Bulk Water Control Methods for Foundations
BA-1105: Internal Insulation of Masonry Walls: Final Measure Guideline
BA-1106: Leveraging Limited Scope for Maximum Benefit in Occupied Renovation of Uninsulated Cold Climate Multifamily Housing
BA-1107: Final Retrofit Pilot Community Evaluation Report
BA-1108: Hybrid Foundation Insulation Retrofits: Measure Guidelines
BA-1109: High Impact Project: Support of Standards Development–Dense-pack Airflow Resistance Final Research Report
BA-1111: National Grid Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot
BA-1202: Byggmeister Test Home—Cold Climate Multifamily Masonry Building Condition Assessment and Retrofit Analysis
BA-1203: Measure Guideline—Wood Window Repair, Rehabilitation, and Replacement
BA-1204: External Insulation of Masonry Walls and Wood Framed Walls
BA-1205: Attic or Roof? An Evaluation of Two Advanced Weatherization Packages
BA-1206: Measure Guideline–Combination Forced-Air Space and Tankless Domestic Hot Water Heating Systems
BA-1208: Performance Evaluation of a Hot-Humid Climate Community
BA-1209: Multifamily Ventilation Retrofit Strategies
BA-1210: Moisture and Structural Analysis for High Performance Hybrid Wall Assemblies
BA-1301: Guidance on Taped Insulating Sheathing Drainage Planes—Final Report
BA-1302: Retrofit of a Multi-family Mass Masonry Building in New England
BA-1303: Transformations, Inc.: Partnering to Build Net-Zero Energy Houses in Massachusetts
BA-1307: Interior Insulation of Mass Masonry Walls: Joist Monitoring, Material Test Optimization, Salt Effects
BA-1308: Moisture Control for Dense-Packed Roof Assemblies in Cold Climates: Final Measure Guideline
BA-1309: Ventilation System Effectiveness and Tested Indoor Air Quality Impacts
BA-1310: Supplemental Dehumidification in Warm-Humid Climates
BA-1311: Evaluation of Two CEDA Weatherization Pilot Implementations of an Exterior Insulation and Over-Clad Retrofit Strategy for Residential Masonry Buildings in Chicago
BA-1312: Application of Spray Foam Insulation Under Plywood and OSB Roof Sheathing
BA-1313: Moisture Durability with Vapor Permeable Insulating Sheathing
BA-1314: Cladding Attachment Over Thick Exterior Insulating Sheathing
BA-1315: Evaluation of Early Performance Results for Massachusetts Homes in the National Grid Pilot Deep Energy Retrofit Program
BA-1316: Moisture Management for High R-Value Walls
BA-1401: Performance Results for Massachusetts & Rhode Island DER Pilot Community
BA-1402: HVAC Design Strategy for a Hot-Humid Production Builder
BA-1403: Guidance on Modeling Enclosure Design in Above Grade Walls: Expert Meeting Report
BA-1404: Initial and Long-Term Movement of Cladding Installed Over Exterior Rigid Insulation
BA-1405: Climate-Specific Passive Building Standards
BA-1406: Final Measure Guideline: Incorporating Thick Layers of Exterior Rigid Insulation on Walls
BA-1407: Long-Term Monitoring of Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pumps in the Northeast
BA-1408: Airflow Resistance of Loose-Fill Mineral Fiber Insulations in Retrofit Applications
BA-1409: Field Testing Unvented Roofs with Asphalt Shingles in Cold and Hot-Humid Climates
BA-1409: Field Testing Unvented Roofs with Asphalt Shingles in Cold and Hot-Humid Climates
BA-1501: Monitoring Double-Stud Wall Moisture Conditions in the Northeast
BA-1502: Measure Guideline: Three High Performance Mineral Fiber Insulation Board Retrofit Solutions
BA-1503: Measure Guideline—Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit (DEER) for Zero Energy House (ZERH) Flat Roofs
BA-1504: Measure Guideline: Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit (DEER) for Double Stud Walls
BA-1505: Measure Guideline—Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit (DEER) for Interior Insulation of Masonry Walls
BA-1506: Field Testing of Compartmentalization Methods for Multifamily Construction
BA-1507: Measure Guideline-Ventilation Guidance for Residential High Performance New Construction—Multifamily
BA-1508: Analysis of Joist Masonry Moisture Content Monitoring
BA-1509: Modeling Enclosure Design in Above Grade Walls Measure Guideline
BA-1510: Modeling Enclosure Design in Above Grade Walls Technical Report
BA-1511: Field Testing of an Unvented Roof with Fibrous Insulation, Tiles, and Vapor Diffusion Venting
BA-1901: Retrofit of Blown Attic Insulation in Existing HUD-Code Manufactured Homes - Needs Assessment Report
BA-2001: Monitoring of Unvented Roofs with Fibrous Insulation, Diffusion Vents, and Interior Vapor Control in a Cold Climate
BA-2401: Moisture Performance of Unvented Attics with Vapor Diffusion Ports and Buried Ducts in Hot, Humid Climates
BA-9802: Performance of Building America Initiative Houses with Unvented Attics and Tile Roofs Constructed by Pulte Homes, Las Vegas Division
BA-9908: Design Methodology and Economic Evaluation of Central-Fan-Integrated Supply Ventilation Systems
BA-9911: Heating Choices
BSD-001: Why Energy Matters
BSD-002: Deciding on Energy Priorities When Building New
BSD-005: Green Building and Sustainability
BSD-006: Can Highly Glazed Building Façades Be Green?
BSD-007: Historical Development of the Building Enclosure
BSD-010: Looking at Tomorrow
BSD-011: Thermal Control in Buildings
BSD-012: Moisture Control for New Residential Buildings
BSD-013: Rain Control in Buildings
BSD-014: Air Flow Control in Buildings
BSD-016: Top Ten Issues in Residential Ventilation Design
BSD-018: The Building Enclosure
BSD-022: The Perfect HVAC
BSD-025: The Passive House (Passivhaus) Standard—A comparison to other cold climate low-energy houses
BSD-026: PassivHaus Becomes Active—Further Commentary on PassivHaus
BSD-030: Rain Control Theory
BSD-040: Airtightness Testing in Large Buildings
BSD-042: Historical Development of the Building Enclosure
BSD-061: The Function of Form—Building Shape and Energy
BSD-102: Understanding Attic Ventilation
BSD-103: Understanding Basements
BSD-104: Understanding Air Barriers
BSD-105: Understanding Drainage Planes
BSD-106: Understanding Vapor Barriers
BSD-107: Understanding Ventilation in Hot-Humid Climates
BSD-108: Investigating and Diagnosing Moisture Problems
BSD-109: Pressures in Buildings
BSD-110: HVAC in Multifamily Buildings
BSD-111: Flood and Hurricane Resistant Buildings
BSD-112: Building Science for Strawbale Buildings
BSD-113: Ground Source Heat Pumps ("Geothermal") for Residential Heating and Cooling: Carbon Emissions and Efficiency
BSD-114: Interior Insulation Retrofits of Load-Bearing Masonry Walls In Cold Climates
BSD-115: Wood Pitched Roof Construction
BSD-119: Summer Condensation Problems in Ice Arenas
BSD-135: Ice Dams
BSD-138: Moisture and Materials
BSD-139: Deep Energy Retrofit of a Sears Roebuck House—A Home for the Next 100 Years
BSD-144: Increasing the Durability of Building Constructions
BSD-146: EIFS - Problems and Solutions
BSD-148: Simplified Prediction of Driving Rain on Buildings: ASHRAE 160P and WUFI 4.0
BSD-149: Unvented Roof Assemblies for All Climates
BSD-150: Black Stains on Carpets and Ghosting of Framing
BSD-151: Understanding Primary/Source and Site Energy
BSD-152: Building Energy Performance Metrics
BSD-163: Controlling Cold-Weather Condensation Using Insulation
BSD-200: Low-Energy Commercial and Institutional Buildings: Top Ten Smart Things to Do for Cold Climates
BSI-001: The Perfect Wall
BSI-002: The Hollow Building
BSI-003: Concrete Floor Problems
BSI-004: Drainage, Holes and Moderation
BSI-005: A Bridge Too Far
BSI-006: No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished
BSI-007: Prioritizing Green—It's the Energy Stupid*
BSI-008: The Building Science of Bourbon
BSI-009: New Light In Crawlspaces
BSI-010: Wine Cellars
BSI-011: Capillarity—Small Sacrifices
BSI-012: Balancing Act - Exhaust-Only Ventilation Does Not Work
BSI-013: Face Lift for Old Buildings
BSI-014: Going to Town - Air Sealing and Compartmentalizing Townhouses and Row Houses….
BSI-015: Stress Relief
BSI-016: Ping Pong Water and The Chemical Engineer
BSI-017: Blame It On Star Trek—Solving IAQ Problems
BSI-018: Westford House
BSI-019: Uplifting Moments—Roof Failures
BSI-020: Wood Foundations - Picasso Does Foundations
BSI-021: Thermodynamics: It's Not Rocket Science
BSI-022: The Star Crossed Lovers of Building Science
BSI-023: Wood Is Good . . . But Strange
BSI-024: Vocabulary
BSI-025: Altered States and Queen Victoria
BSI-026: They All Laughed....
BSI-027: Material View of Mold
BSI-028: Energy Flow Across Enclosures
BSI-029: Stucco Woes—The Perfect Storm
BSI-030: Advanced Framing
BSI-031: Building in Extreme Cold
BSI-032: Extreme Heat—A Tale of Two Cities
BSI-033: Evolution
BSI-034: Arrhenius and the Mayor—Dezincification
BSI-035: We Need To Do It Different This Time
BSI-036: Complex Three Dimensional Airflow Networks
BSI-037: Mold in Alligator Alley
BSI-038: Mind the Gap, Eh!
BSI-039: Five Things
BSI-040: High Rise Igloos
BSI-041: Rubble Foundations
BSI-042: Blue Hawaii
BSI-043: Don't Be Dense—Cellulose and Dense-Pack Insulation
BSI-044: The Pressure is On
BSI-045: Double Rubble Toil and Trouble
BSI-046: Dam Ice Dam
BSI-047: Thick as a Brick
BSI-048: Exterior Spray Foam
BSI-049: Confusion About Diffusion
BSI-050: Parapets—Where Roofs Meet Walls
BSI-051: Decks—Roofs You Can Walk On
BSI-052: Seeing Red Over Green Roofs
BSI-053: Just Right and Airtight
BSI-054: Risky Business: High Risk Walls
BSI-055: In the Deep End
BSI-056: Leiningen versus The Ants Redux
BSI-057: Hockey Pucks and Hydrostatic Pressure
BSI-058: Parthenon, Eh?
BSI-059: Slab Happy
BSI-060: Joe South Assemblies
BSI-061: Inward Drive - Outward Drying
BSI-062: Thermal Bridges Redux
BSI-063: Over-roofing—Don't Do Stupid Things
BSI-064: Bobby Darin and Thermal Performance
BSI-065: But I Was So Much Younger Then (I'm So Much Older Than That Now)*
BSI-066: Holes and Leaks
BSI-067: Stuck On You
BSI-068: Rocks Don't Burn
BSI-069: Unintended Consequences Suck
BSI-070: First Deal with the Manure and Then Don't Suck
BSI-071: Joni Mitchell, Water and Walls
BSI-072: Coil Springs, Rubber Bands, Spaghetti and Tinkertoys (Understanding Cladding Systems and Materials)
BSI-073: Macbeth Does Vapor Barriers (Double, Double Toil and Trouble)*
BSI-074: Duct Dynasty *
BSI-075: How Do Buildings Stack Up?
BSI-076: Great Moments in Building Science
BSI-077: Cool Hand Luke Meets Attics
BSI-078: Ship Shape—The Luftwaffe, Ballast and Shipping Containers
BSI-079: Deep-Dish Retrofits
BSI-080: Tailor Made
BSI-081: Zeroing In
BSI-082: Walking the Plank
BSI-083: Mea Culpa Roofs *
BSI-084: Forty Years of Air Barriers*—The Evolution of the Residential Air Barrier
BSI-085: Windows Can Be A Pain*—Continuous Insulation and Punched Openings
BSI-086: Vitruvius Does Veneers: Drilling Into Cavities
BSI-087: Chubby Checker and the "Fat Man" Do Permeance
BSI-088: Venting Vapor
BSI-089: WUFI*—Barking Up the Wrong Tree?
BSI-090: Joseph Haydn Does The Perfect Wall
BSI-091: Flow-Through Assemblies
BSI-092: Doubling Down—How Come Double Vapor Barriers Work?
BSI-093: All Decked Out*
BSI-094: No Sweat
BSI-095: How Buildings Age
BSI-096: Hot and Wet but Dry
BSI-097: De-Icing Ice Dams
BSI-098: Great Fire of London
BSI-099: It's All Relative
BSI-100: Hybrid Assemblies
BSI-101: Rebuilding Houston
BSI-102: The Coming Stucco-Pocalypse
BSI-103: Joints And Corners And Penetrations
BSI-104: Punched Openings
BSI-105: Avoiding Mass Failures
BSI-106: This Bud’s For You*…
BSI-107: Tuscan Villas
BSI-108: Are We Sealing The Right Walls In Buildings*?
BSI-109: How Changing Filters Led To A Condensation And Mold Problem
BSI-110: Keeping the Water Out of Basements
BSI-111: Double Play
BSI-112: Drain the Rain...On the Plane...the drainage plane*
BSI-113: Stoned...
BSI-114: Up In Smoke
BSI-115: Crawlspaces - Either In or Out
BSI-116: Interior Spray Foam
BSI-117: Rain Control: Drained, Barrier and Mass
BSI-118: Concrete Solutions
BSI-119: Conditioned Unconditioned
BSI-120: Understanding Walls*
BSI-121: The Big Blow
BSI-122: If You Want to Save Cash...Flash...
BSI-123: Capillarity Sucks
BSI-124: Parking Garages
BSI-125: Concrete Basement Foundations
BSI-126: Dirty Harry Does Insulation
BSI-127: Pests Can Really Bug You
BSI-128: Designing for Floods
BSI-129: Wildfire
BSI-130: Hotel Mold
BSI-131: Mind the Drip
BSI-132: More on Continuous Exterior Insulation…
BSI-133: Covert Covid Thoughts…
BSI-134: High Performance Frame Walls "Hot-rod walls"
BSI-135: Throttling the Flow
BSI-136: Piltdown Man Does Thermal Resistance*
BSI-137: Carole King Does Foundations
BSI-138: The Odd Couple…
BSI-139: Coming Out Of The Closet
BSI-140: There Is No Such Thing As A Free Thermodynamic Lunch
BSI-141: Shakespeare Does Roofs
BSI-142: Foundation Insulation Protection
BSI-143: Snap, Crackle and Pop
BSI-144: Historic Buildings….Historic Wines
BSI-145: Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH)
BSI-146: Below Grade Water Management
BSI-147: Dan Tanna1 does Garages2
BSI-148: Structural Insulated Panel Systems (SIPS)©
BSI-149: Slide Rules, Pocket Protectors, Cigarettes and an Iconic Building Science Image©
CP-0604: Incorporating Insulating Sheathing into the Design of the Thermal and Moisture Management System of the Building Enclosure
CP-0605: Assessing the Durability Impacts of Energy Efficient Enclosure Upgrades Using Hygrothermal Modeling
CP-0702: Monitored Indoor Moisture and Temperature Conditions in Hot-Humid US Residences
CP-0705: Field Performance of an Unvented Cathedral Ceiling (UCC) in Vancouver
CP-0802: Field Test of Room-to-Room Distribution of Outside Air with Two Residential Ventilation Systems
CP-0901: Description of an Indoor Test Facility for Evaluating a Roof Integrated Cooling Concept
CP-0904: Adhered Veneers and Inward Vapor Drives: Significance, Problems, and Solutions
CP-0908: A Method for Modifying Ventilation Airflow Rates to Achieve Equivalent Occupant Exposure
CP-0909: A Calibrated Multi-Zone Airflow Model for Extension of Ventilation System Tracer Gas Testing
CP-0910: Measuring the Impact of Interior Insulation on Solid Masonry Walls in a Cold Climate
CP-0932: Humidity Control in the Humid South
CP-0942: Establishing Priorities for the Design of Affordable, Environmentally Responsible Housing in Dallas, Texas, a Mixed Climate Zone
CP-0944: Measured and Predicted Energy Savings from an Industrialized House
CP-0997: Measured Air Change Rates and Distribution Ventilation Air in a Single Family Home
CP-1002: Preliminary Modeling, Testing and Analysis of a Gas Tankless Water Heater
CP-1010: Innovative Passive Ventilation Water-Resistive Barriers—How Do They Work?
CP-1011: Evaluation of Cladding and Water-Resistive Barrier Performance in Hot-Humid Climates Using a Real-Weather, Real-Time Test Facility
CP-1012: Residential Exterior Wall Superinsulation Retrofit Details and Analysis
CP-1013: Assessing the Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Clay Brick for Interior Insulation Retrofit Projects
CP-1101: The Influence of Low-Permeance Vapor Barriers on Roof and Wall Performance
CP-1102: San Francisco Bay Area Net Zero Urban Infill
CP-1103: New England Net Zero Production Houses
CP-1201: Masonry Wall Insulation Interior Embedded Beam Simulations
CP-1301: Field Monitoring and Simulation of a Historic Mass Masonry Building Retrofitted with Interior Insulation
CP-1302: Monitoring of Two Unvented Roofs with Air-Permeable Insulation in Climate Zone 2A
CP-2000: Environmental Loads
CP-2001: Insulation Induced Exterior Paint and Siding Failures
DTW: Aspen, CO - Burlingame Ranch Phase I - Case Study
DTW: Atlanta, GA - Fairburn - Case Study
DTW: Bedford, MA - Bedford Farmhouse High Performance Retrofit Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Belchertown, MA - 18th Century Cape Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Belmont, MA - Two-Family Belmont Residence Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Brookline, MA - Three-Story Victorian Partial Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Carbondale, CO - House Plan
DTW: Cleveland, OH - East 71st Street Prototype Housing - Case Study
DTW: Cleveland, OH - EcoVillage Cleveland - Case Study
DTW: Cleveland, OH - House Plan
DTW: Cleveland, OH - West 54th Street Infill Prototype House - Case Study
DTW: Clinch County, GA - Suwanee River Administration Building - Case Study
DTW: Colleyville, TX - Colleyville Eco House Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Concord, MA - Concord Cape Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Dallas, TX - Anderson/Sargent Dallas Show House - Case Study
DTW: Denver, CO - House Plan
DTW: Ellendale, DE - Sandstone 40% Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Farmington, CT - Hamilton Way Community Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Fort Mills, SC - Baxter Community: High Performance Green Building - Case Study
DTW: Gloucester, MA - Gloucester Coastal Cottage Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Grayslake, IL - Prairie Crossing Community - Case Study
DTW: Grayslake, IL - Prairie Crossing Four Square - Case Study
DTW: Greensburg, KS - House Plan
DTW: Haymount, VA - House Design Recommendations
DTW: Haymount, VA - House Plan
DTW: Hilton Head, SC - Coastal Habitats - Case Study
DTW: Humble, TX and Atascocita, TX - Eaglesprings and Waterhaven Communities - Case Study
DTW: Jamaica Plain, MA - Three-Family Triple Decker Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Juneau, AK - House Design Recommendations
DTW: Juneau, AK - House Plan
DTW: Lake Charles, LA - House Design Recommendations
DTW: Lake Charles, LA - House Plan
DTW: Lancaster, MA - 19th Century Small Colonial Second Floor Reframing Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Lewisville, TX - GreenCraft Builders 2009 TimberCreek Net Zero Energy House Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Millbury, MA - Millbury Cape Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Milton, MA - 1960s Garrison Colonial Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: New Orleans, LA - Cameron Parish Demonstration House - House Plan
DTW: New Orleans, LA - Green Dream 1 - Case Study
DTW: New Orleans, LA - Green Dream 2 - Case Study
DTW: New Orleans, LA - Project Home Again Phase I - Case Study
DTW: New Orleans, LA - Project Home Again Phase II - Case Study
DTW: Newton, MA - Cape Basement Renovation Turned Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Northampton, MA - 1859 Victorian Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Oakdale, CT - Greenbrier Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Oakland, CA - Lancaster Live/Work Townhome Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Ormond Beach, FL - ICI Showcase House Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Pontiac, MI - House Design Recommendations
DTW: Pontiac, MI - House Plan
DTW: Prosper, TX - GreenCraft Greenspoint House Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Quincy, MA - 1905 Bungalow Deep Energy Retrofit and Addition - Case Study
DTW: Tucson, AZ - Copper Moon - Case Study
DTW: West Concord, MA - Concord Four Square Retrofit - Case Study
DTW: Westford, MA - Habitat for Humanity - House Plan
DTW: Westford, MA - Habitat for Humanity High-R Value Prototype - Case Study
DTW: Westford, MA - Westford Modern Colonial Deep Energy Retrofit - Case Study
ETW: Building Profile: New - Albuquerque
ETW: Building Profile: New - Aspen
ETW: Building Profile: New - Atlanta
ETW: Building Profile: New - Beacon Hill
ETW: Building Profile: New - Boston
ETW: Building Profile: New - Charlotte
ETW: Building Profile: New - Chicago
ETW: Building Profile: New - Concord
ETW: Building Profile: New - Denver
ETW: Building Profile: New - Houston
ETW: Building Profile: New - Louisville
ETW: Building Profile: New - Maitland
ETW: Building Profile: New - Minneapolis
ETW: Building Profile: New - Montgomery
ETW: Building Profile: New - Orlando
ETW: Building Profile: New - Sacramento
ETW: Building Profile: New - Tucson
ETW: Building Profile: New - Vineyard
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Belchertown, MA 18th Century Cape Comprehensive Retrofit
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Belmont, MA Two-Family Belmont Residence
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Brookline, MA Three-Story Victorian Partial Retrofit
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Gloucester, MA Coastal Cottage
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Jamaica Plain, MA Three-Family Triple Decker
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Lancaster, MA 2nd Floor Reframing Comprehensive Retrofit 19th Century Small Colonial
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Millbury, MA Cape
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Milton, MA 1960s Garrison Colonial Comprehensive Retrofit
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Newton, MA Cape Basement Renovation Turned Comprehensive DER
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Northampton, MA Comprehensive 1859 Victorian
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Quincy, MA Bungalow Retrofit and Addition
ETW: Building Profile: Retrofit - Westford, MA Modern Colonial Retrofit
ETW: Foundation - 1" XPS, 2x4 Wood Framed Wall with Fiberglass Batt
ETW: Foundation - 2" Polyisocyanurate Insulation, 2x4 Framing with Cellulose
ETW: Foundation - 2" XPS, 2" Foil-Faced Polyisocyanurate
ETW: Foundation - 2" XPS, 2x4 Framing with Fiberglass Batt
ETW: Foundation - 2" XPS, 2x6 Framing with Fiberglass Batt
ETW: Foundation - 3-1/2" of 2.0 PCF Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam
ETW: Foundation - 4" PIC, 2x6 Framing with Fiberglass Batt
ETW: Foundation - 4" XPS Insulation in the Center of Foundation Wall
ETW: Foundation - 4" XPS Insulation on the Exterior of Foundation Wall
ETW: Foundation - 6" 0.5 PCF Open-Cell Spray Foam
ETW: Foundation - 6" 0.5 PCF Spray Foam with 2x4 Framing Offset 2.5" from Concrete
ETW: Foundation - Code-Minimum R-10 Continuous Insulation
ETW: Foundation - High-R Foundation 11: 4" XPS Insulation on the Exterior of Foundation Wall
ETW: Foundation - Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF), 2" XPS on Interior and Exterior
ETW: Foundation - R-13 Fiberglass Batt in a 2x4 Framed Wall
ETW: Foundation - Uninsulated Foundation Walls and Slab
ETW: Wall - 2x6 Advanced Frame Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - 2x6 Advanced Frame Wall Construction with Mineral Fiber Insulation Board
ETW: Wall - Double Stud Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - Double Stud with Spray Foam Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - Flash-and-Fill Hybrid Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - ICF Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - Non-Combustible Steel Frame Wall Construction with Mineral Fiber Insulation Board
ETW: Wall - Offset Frame Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - SIPs Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - Spray Foam Wall Construction
ETW: Wall - Truss Wall Construction
ETW: Walls - 2x6 Advanced Frame Wall Construction High R-Value
Freeze-Thaw Risk: Hygrothermal Modeling
Freeze-Thaw Risk: Material Testing
Freeze-Thaw Risk: Prototype Monitoring
Freeze-Thaw Risk: Repair/Retrofit, Maintain and Monitor
Freeze-Thaw Risk: Site Load Assessment
Freeze-Thaw Risk: Site Visit
GM-0501: Rainwater Management Performance of Newly Constructed Residential Building Enclosures During August and September 2004
GM-0502: Review of Residential Ventilation Technologies
GM-0601: EcoVillage Homeowner Handbook
GM-0602: READ THIS: Before You Design, Build or Renovate
GM-0603: READ THIS: Before You Turn Over a Unit
GM-0604: READ THIS: Before You Ventilate
GM-0605: Design Process for Sizing: Cooling and Heating System Capacity, Room Air Flows, Trunk and Runout Ducts, and Transfer Air Ducts
GM-0606: READ THIS: Before You Move In
GM-0701: Water Management Details for Residential Buildings
GM-0702: Guide to Insulating Sheathing
GM-0801: Quality Assurance Roadmap for High Performance Residential Buildings
GM-0802: BSC Building America Quality Control Checklist
GM-0803: Building America Quality Control Checklist Appendix
GM-0901: IRC FAQ: Basement Insulation
GM-0902: IRC FAQ: Wall Bracing Requirements for Insulating Sheathing
GM-0903: IRC FAQ: Insulating Sheathing Vapor Retarder Requirements
GM-0904: IRC FAQ: Cladding Attachment Over Insulating Sheathing
GM-0905: IRC FAQ: Conditioned Attics
GM-1001: Attic Air Sealing Guide and Details
GM-1301: High Performing Precast Concrete Building Enclosures: Rain Control
GM-1302: Mass Save Deep Energy Retrofit Builder Guide
GM-1401: Insulated Metal Panel (IMP) Systems
GM-1501: Ventilation for New Low-Rise Residential Buildings
GM-2101: Guide For Building Conditioned Unvented Attics And Unconditioned Unvented Attics With Fiberglass And Mineral Wool Insulation
GM-2102: Residential Spray Foam Guide
GM-2103: Commercial Spray Foam Guide
High-R Wall-02: 2x6 Advanced Frame Wall Construction
Info-001: Residential Best Practices Criteria
Info-015: Top Ten Dumb Things To Do In the South
Info-101: Groundwater Control
Info-110: Soil Gas Control
Info-201: Common Advanced Framing Details
Info-301: Drainage Plane/Water Resistive Barrier
Info-302: Pan Flashing for Exterior Wall Openings
Info-303: Common Flashing Details
Info-304: Integrating Deck Ledger Board with Drainage Plane
Info-305: Reservoir Claddings
Info-306: Interior Water Management
Info-310: Vapor Control Layer Recommendations
Info-311: Vapor Open Assemblies
Info-312: Vapor Permeance of Some Building Materials
Info-401: Air Barriers—Airtight Drywall Approach
Info-405: Sealing Air Barrier Penetrations
Info-406: Air Sealing Windows
Info-407: Air Barriers—Tub, Shower and Fireplace Enclosures
Info-408: Critical Seal (Spray Foam at Rim Joist)
Info-500: Building Materials Property Table
Info-501: Installation of Cavity Insulation
Info-502: Temperature Dependence of R-values in Polyisocyanurate Roof Insulation
Info-511: Basement Insulation
Info-512: Crawlspace Insulation
Info-513: Slab Edge Insulation
Info-601: Sealed Combustion
Info-602: Ducts in Conditioned Space
Info-603: Duct Sealing
Info-604: Transfer Ducts and Grilles
Info-606: Placement of Intake and Exhaust Vents
Info-607: Refrigeration System Installation and Startup Procedures, and AC Equipment Efficiency
Info-608: What's the Big Deal About Refrigerant Charge—Why Should the Builder or Homeowner Care?
Info-610: Central Fan Integrated Ventilation Systems
Info-611: Balanced Ventilation Systems (HRVs and ERVs)
Info-620: Supplemental Humidity Control
Info-701: What's Wrong With This Project? Top Chord Bearing Truss
Info-702: What's Wrong With This Project? Inset Flanged Window
Info-703: What's Wrong With This Project? Interior Door Framing
Info-704: What's Wrong With This Project? Site-Made Beam
Info-705: What's Wrong With This Project? Interior Framed Beam
Info-706: What's Wrong With This Project? Supporting Framing Around Windows
Info-707: What's Wrong With This Project? Non-Load Bearing Framing
Info-708: What's Wrong With This Project? Interior Wall at Exterior Wall
Info-709: What's Wrong With This Project? Extra Window Framing
Info-801: What's Wrong With This Practice? Using Unsealed Wall Cavities or Panned Floor Joists as Return Plenum
Info-802: What's Wrong With This Practice? Using Unsealed Wall Cavities Between Garage and Living Space as Return Plenum
Info-803: What's Wrong With This Practice? Unsealed Conditioning Equipment Outside Conditioned Space
Info-804: What's Wrong With This Practice? Undercutting Doors
Masonry Retrofit Summary Document
Moving Back Home to New Orleans
PA-0001: Measurement of Ventilation and Interzonal Distribution in Single-Family Homes
PA-0101: Public Housing Breaks the Mold: Part I
PA-0102: Public Housing Breaks the Mold: Part II
PA-0103: Moisture, Building Enclosures, and Mold
PA-0201: Moisture Control for Buildings
PA-0202: Residential Ventilation and Latent Loads
PA-0301: Water-Managed Wall Systems
PA-0401: Built Wrong from the Start
PA-0501: Small House, Built Right
PA-0502: Field Performance of Unvented Cathedralized (UC) Attics in the USA
PA-0503: Future of Framing is Here
PA-0601: Eliminating Attic Vents
PA-0602: Mold Explosion: Why Now?
PA-0701: A Critical Review of the Use of Double-Façades for Office Buildings in Cool Humid Climates
PA-0801: Remodeling for Energy Efficiency
PA-0901: Measuring the Impact of Interior Insulation on Solid Masonry Walls in a Cold Climate
PA-0902: Adhered Veneers and Inward Vapor Drives: Significance, Problems and Solutions
PA-0931: Phase-Change Material Wallboard for Distributed Thermal Storage in Buildings
PA-0941: Development of Moisture Storage Coatings for Enthalpy Storage Wallboard
PA-1001: ECM Efficiency—Better (and Worse) Than You Think
PA-1002: The Future of Window Technology . . . Is Here!
PA-1101: A Crash Course in Roof Venting
PA-1102: Throw-away buildings: The slow-motion failure of Toronto's glass condos
PA-1201: Foam Shrinks, and Other Lessons
PA-1202: Foam Shrinks, and Other Lessons: Correction
PA-1203: Air Leaks—How They Waste Energy and Rot Houses
PA-1401: Are You Doing Something Stupid?
PA-1501: Moisture in Fat Walls—A Closer Look
PA-1901: How to Look at a House like a Building Scientist (Part 1: Air)
PA-1902: How to Look at a House like a Building Scientist (Part 2: Heat)
PA-1903: How to Look at a House like a Building Scientist (Part 3: Temperature, Humidity, and HVAC Systems)
PA-1904: How to Look at a House like a Building Scientist (Part 4: Water)
Recommended Freeze-Thaw Risk Assessment Steps
RR-0001: The Vancouver Test Hut Project
RR-0001: The Vancouver Test Hut Project - Facility
RR-0001: The Vancouver Test Hut Project - Phase IV Wall Assemblies
RR-0001: The Vancouver Test Hut Project - Phases I-III Wall Assemblies
RR-0002: The Thermal Metric Project
RR-0002: The Thermal Metric Project - Hot Box Apparatus
RR-0002: The Thermal Metric Project - Summary Report
RR-0002: The Thermal Metric Project - Test Wall Construction and Installation
RR-0003: The Masonry Retrofit Project
RR-0004: Air Barriers vs. Vapor Barriers
RR-0005: Transfer Grille Sizing
RR-0103: Water Management
RR-0104: Solar Driven Moisture in Brick Veneer
RR-0105: Brick, Stucco, Housewrap and Building Paper
RR-0106: Problems with Housewraps
RR-0107: Drywall, Wood and Truss Uplift
RR-0108: Unvented Roof Systems
RR-0203: Relative Humidity
RR-0206: Foundations—Moisture Resistant Construction
RR-0208: What You Need to Know About Mold
RR-0209: Mold Testing
RR-0210: Mold Remediation in Occupied Homes
RR-0211: Mold—Causes, Health Effects and Clean-up
RR-0301: Unvented Roof Summary Article
RR-0303: Ventilation and Air Leakage
RR-0304: Central Fan Integrated Supply Ventilation—The Basics
RR-0306: Unvented Roofs, Hot-Humid Climates and Asphalt Roofing Shingles
RR-0308: The How and Why of Your High Performance HVAC System
RR-0403: Air Barriers
RR-0404: Roof Design
RR-0406: Face Sealed vs. Drainable EIFS
RR-0407: Installing a Window with Building Paper on OSB over Wood Frame Wall
RR-0408: The deKieffer Bypass
RR-0409: Painting
RR-0410: Vapor Barriers and Wall Design
RR-0411: Vent on Venting
RR-0412: Insulations, Sheathings and Vapor Retarders
RR-0503: Rainwater Management Performance of Newly Constructed Residential Building Enclosures
RR-0603: Impact Resistance of Advanced Framed Wall Systems with Insulating Sheathing as the Primary Sheathing
RR-0701: Whole House Ventilation Systems Options—Phase 1 Simulation Study
RR-0803: Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations and Emission Rates in New Manufactured and Site-Built Houses
RR-0901: Thermal Metrics for High Performance Walls—The Limitations of R-Value
RR-0905: Modeled and Measured Drainage, Storage and Drying Behind Cladding Systems
RR-0906: Field Monitoring and Hygrothermal Modeling of Interior Basement Insulation Systems
RR-0907: Ventilated Wall Claddings: Review, Field Performance, and Hygrothermal Modeling
RR-0912: Discussion of Ventilation System Energy Performance and Cost
RR-0912: Spray Polyurethane Foam: The Need for Vapor Retarders in Above-Grade Residential Walls
RR-0917: Measurement of Attic Temperatures and Cooling Energy Use in Vented and Sealed Attics in Las Vegas, Nevada
RR-0981: Vented and Sealed Attics in Hot Climates
RR-0991: Air Distribution Fan and Outside Air Damper Recycling Control
RR-0994: Unvented-cathedralized attics: Where we've been and where we're going
RR-0995: Air Pressure and Building Envelopes
RR-0996: Air Handler Leakage Testing: Sierra Air Conditioning, Las Vegas, Nevada
RR-0997: Wood Durability
RR-0999: Drainage Planes and Air Spaces
RR-1014: High-R Walls for the Pacific Northwest–A Hygrothermal Analysis of Various Exterior Wall Systems
RR-1104: Hygrothermal Analysis of Exterior Rockwool Insulation
RR-1110: Hygrothermal Analysis of California Attics
RR-1207: Vancouver Field Exposure Facility: Phase III Exterior Insulation Analysis
RR-1304: Vancouver Field Exposure Facility—Phase III Construction and Instrumentation
RR-1305: Vancouver Field Exposure Facility—Phase IV Construction and Instrumentation
RR-1306: Vancouver Field Exposure Facility—Analysis and Comparison of HardiePlank Walls
RR-1401: Design Challenges of the NIST Net Zero Energy Residential Test Facility